Evenings spent re-re-re-re-etc.watching Pride and Prejudice aren't wasted with a hook and some pretty yarn in hand.
Sometimes, I wonder if the programmes I'm watching could somehow have an effect on what I'm making. For example, while on holiday at my Mum's at the beginning of July I watched a lot of Wimbledon while making a baby blanket. Will the little one who ends up with that blanket grow up to have good tennis skills?
Just imagine...I could assign a telly theme to each thing I make...
There could be the 'Period Drama Doily' that is guaranteed to increase the levels of politeness and chivalry in your life.

People could request that a particular programme is watched during the making of, say, some baby booties for their newborn. I might have to organise a pre-approved list though. I don't want myself getting tied into hours upon hours of something like Made in Chelsea.

Yes, there's definitely no reason to feel guilty about hours of telly watching if crochet is involved, as long as the right kind of programmes are being watched.
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